Convert 1-channel Numpy Ndarray to 3-channel
Table of Contents
By Using List or Tuple
This conversion can be used to convert a 1-channel grayscale image to a 3-channel RGB image.
import numpy as np
# Create a 1ch ndarray
one_ch = np.arange(0, 6).reshape((2, 3))
# [[0 1 2]
# [3 4 5]]
# (2, 3)
# [[0 1 2]
# Convert 1ch to 3ch by using list
three_ch = np.stack([one_ch] * 3, axis=-1)
# or by using tuple
three_ch = np.stack((one_ch,) * 3, axis=-1)
# [[[0 0 0]
# [1 1 1]
# [2 2 2]]
# [[3 3 3]
# [4 4 4]
# [5 5 5]]]
# (2, 3, 3)
By Using copy()
import numpy as np
one_ch = np.arange(0, 6).reshape((2, 3))
copies = [one_ch.copy() for _ in range(3)]
three_ch = np.stack(copies, axis=-1)